The curriculum at the Young Adult Program focuses on independent living, personal management, and vocational development. While at the Young Adult Program, students continue to earn elective credit for the courses they are enrolled in. For more information on courses, see the list of courses below.
List of courses
Some students participate in volunteer job sites. At the job site, students learn how to complete job specific tasks and to develop soft skills. A job coach is assigned to 2-3 students. Job sites have included: stocking in retail, cleaning, inventory check-in, office work, clerical assistance, cafeteria work, project assemble, making/selling items, shredding, warehouse work, mail sorting, and production line work.
The Young Adult Program utilizes community outings to provide curricular extension activities, vocational exploration and opportunities to experience age appropriate recreation and leisure activities. Community Outings typically occur on a weekly basis. Teachers send home a monthly calendar with the outings. All outings are at no cost to the student and/or family.
Technology Support is located at Central Middle School.
Please email the Technology Facilitator, Cathy Hanish
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